Before getting in touch, we do find that most of the general questions we receive can be found on our website. Please check if the answer to your query can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions section below. Thank you.
I’m trying to book a tour or workshop but can’t select my chosen date?
If the tour or workshop you are trying to book isn’t available it is either fully booked or too far in advance to book. If your chosen date is more than three weeks away check back nearer the time. Tours and workshops are available to book up to three weeks before they take place.
I’ve booked a tour but I don’t know where to meet?
An email with detailed directions to the meeting point is sent automatically from the website upon booking. This may have gone to your junk / spam folder, if you can’t find it there please get in touch allowing us enough time to get back to you with a replacement email.
How long do tours last?
Walking tour: 1.5 / 2 hrs, Street Art Bike Tour: 2hrs, Alternative Bike Tour: 3.5 / 4hrs (with breaks), Tour & Workshop: 4hrs (with break), Pub Tour 2.5 hours with pub stops.
Where do tours finish?
Waking tour finishing points vary as routes change, but we always finish near a station and close to food and drink outlets. Bike Tours and Workshops finish at our H.Q in Shoreditch and Pub Tours finish at a pub near a station.
Will tours and workshops continue throughout winter?
Bike tours will not run through the colder winter months. Walking tours, pub tours and workshops run all year round. Most of the workshop time is inside or undercover as are large parts of the pub tour. Lisbon’s weather is very changeable so please bring an umbrella or something waterproof in case of rain. Tours will only be cancelled in the case of very heavy rain and we will send you a text message to let you know if a tour is cancelled. For paid tours we have a strict cancellation policy which is detailed in your confirmation email.
What should I bring?
Comfortable shoes, a camera, some cash for the for walking tour, something waterproof or an umbrella, a smile and an open mind.
It is dark in the evening’s can we still see on evening tours?
Evening tours have a different feel to them in the dark, everything is lit up well and you are likely to see more artwork as art covered shop security shutters are down at night.